Starting from here, 一切由此開始

Hello everyone, this blog is intended to be an English blog. The blogger is from Hong Kong and a native Chinese. I intend to write in English because I plan to move around the world to taste coffee from different countries. In this trip of coffee, I foresee I will meet many people from different countries. I assume that most people should be able to read English and even if they do not, it is convenient to translate English into their native languages with fair accuracy using translators freely available online. But for this very first post, I would like to write some paragraphs in Chinese to introduce this blog to Chinese readers. I believe most Chinese readers can read English, as many of them should be from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. I also believe that they received very good education in English in schools. Nevertheless, Chinese readers may still feel easier to read in Chinese. So, let's begin.

筆者是來自香港, 在此之前我有一個中文博客 ( 不定期隨心分享有關個人的耳機嗜好. 我是一個擁有很多方面興趣的人, 例如經濟, 投資, 太極, 足球, 結他, 耳機, 綠茶和咖啡, 每天在追求興趣找尋知識的期間會得到不同的啓發, 每當這個時候我都會想一舒己見. 此前並沒有為自己設立一個比較合適的渠道去寫出自己的感想, 所以都是在 FACEBOOK上隨心有感而發. 不過FACEBOOK上面的朋友, 並非每個都有共同興趣, 寫出來的東西未必是他們想看的東西, 於是我想較統一地, 詳盡地將自己的東西寫在博客上, 一來我寫的東西不會強制出現在朋友的 FACEBOOK上, 二來有機會讓網絡上讓更廣大志同道合的朋友讀到我的文章.

這個博客主要是分享咖啡然後是耳機和音樂, 偶然也會分享我其他方面的興趣.

我是一名工程師, 記得小時候, 應該是幼兒園的時候, 在母親工作的公司嗅到辦公室的咖啡, 怎麼這麼香? 從此產生濃濃興趣. 直至出來工作, 有了自己的收入, 可以控制一下家中的用具擺放空間, 我就開始認真研究咖啡. 我先是上了咖啡興趣班, 粗淺的認識了 ARABICA 咖啡豆, EXPRESSO, LATTE ARTS 和 精品咖啡. 接著我開始買不同國家的豆以不同精品咖啡沖調的辦法開始試味, 然後讀一些咖啡師的書去認識咖啡豆由種植, 到烘焙, 到沖煮認識整條咖啡的生產線. 在家裏, 我實驗過 手沖, 越南滴滴, 冰滴, 冷浸, AEROPRESS, 法式壓壼等的手動沖調技巧. 慢慢的我累積了相當的咖啡知識. 今年6月, 我一個人跑到東京去去不同的咖啡店品嚐咖啡, 這個旅程我相當享受還計劃將會到京都, 台灣和墨爾本去品嚐他們的咖啡, 我希望這個追逐各地咖啡以至追逐這個興趣的過程會有個地方詳盡紀錄和分享. 所以成就了這個博客. 然而喜歡咖啡的人是來自世界各地的, 他們說著不同語言, 為讓他們更容易讀懂和轉換成他們的語言, 這博客將主要以英文書寫.

The blogger is from Hong Kong. Before this blog, I had another Chinese blog ( through which I shared occasionally my new findings on earphones and music. I have quite a number of hobbies ranged from economics, investments, taiji, soccer, guitar, earphones, Japanese green tea to coffee. In the everyday pursuit of my interests, I am inspired and willing to share my inspirations. Before this blog, I was used to share my random inspirations on Facebook, which is not a very appropriate channel to share such a variety of interests in a lengthy manner. My friends on Facebook usually do not share the same interests and may be forced to see my posts on their news feed. Thus, I start this blog to share my inspirations comprehensively in a more organized way. Moreover, receivers from different background may share my inspirations.

This blog is mainly for coffee, earphones and music. I foresee I will also share my thoughts and findings on my other interests randomly on occasions.

I am an engineer. When I was in kindergarten, I was bought to my mum's workplace. I smelt coffee for the very first time and I never forget the smell since then. After I have grown up and had my own income. I was able to join coffee classes. I started a serious learning in coffee. I learned Arabica beans, expresso, latte arts and specialty coffee from those classes. I bought coffee beans from different countries and do my own brewing at home. I read books written by some famous barista. I experimented various kinds of manual brewing methods, namely, pull-over, Vietnamese dripping, ice dripping, cold brew, aeropress and french press. I learned basic knowledge on coffee and feel confident to travel to Tokyo on my own to have my very first solo coffee trip. I found the trip very enjoyable and I can foresee that I am going to have another trips to Kyoto, Taiwan and Melbourne. It would be a pity if I were not to share my pursuit to coffee in these trips and in my life through a proper channel. I think coffee is an international experience. I will encounter people from different nations in this journey. I presume writing this blog in English will be easier for my intended receivers to read and share.
